Here is the url to see the file on the Hearing Examiner page for the 253 Winslow Way W parcel. I first decided to look for articles about the project and the developer.
From Googling the name of the owner of the parcel (Michael Burns) + Bainbridge Island I found this August 30, 2017 article by Nick Twietmeyer in the Bainbridge Review that explains his rationale for building a then 60-room luxury hotel downtown. Tad Sooter mentioned the project in the June 28 issue of the Kitsap Sun but without input from the owner or the architect. In June 2014, the Kitsap Sun informs us that Michael bought the former city hall in Poulsbo to build a hotel. This project morphed into a building with 58 studios and one bedroom units according to the Kitsap Sun in April 2016. One year later the project Old City Hall Apartments, is up for public comments with 74 units and 95 off-street parking spaces. I have not found any article about the completed building. I went to Poulsbo to have a look: the project is not finalized yet, there is only an empty lot. See pictures below at the bottom of this post.
City Hall told me it was now going to be an 80 one bedroom units, with 6 two bedrooms units, including at least 106 off street (underground) parking spots. There are still some technical points to be solved (about sight distance and engineering issues). The deadline for completing the process is coming soon. Michael Burns is also mentioned in the sales of several properties on Bainbridge and Poulsbo reported in May 2016 for 17.5 million and 5.93 million by Tad Sooter for the Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal.