Creation of Voice of
Bainbridge – Chronology of events – Feb 2003 / Sept 2004
February/March 2003: meetings with BIB (Bob Haslanger) about
the creation of a community radio on Bainbridge. No outcome.
Dec 2003: Drafts of the Earthcom
project submitted in early 2004 to the Brainerd,
Bullitt and Russell Family Foundations.
Feb 2004: Proposal for the creation of Globalink-radio for the International Union Against Cancer
Feb 17: Visit to Voice
of Vashon on
Vashon Island
and meeting with their
engineer, Steve Allen.
Feb 26 2004
Acquisition of a portable digital MP3
recorder and lapel microphone
from PoGo! Products ($ 190)
Feb 27: Application for the KUOW Venture Fund ($10K for 3 months): Earth Series
March 13: Letter to the editor (Bainbridge Review) about a web radio for Bainbridge
March 23: Acquisition of the equipment necessary for the
digital recording of phone interviews
March 31: First
recording of a public event : Story telling at the Bainbridge Library
April 24: First
interview: Glenn Burkhart in
for the book Defending Wild
May 4: Submission to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation pioneer ideas program about the
of digital audio programs
May 6: Visit to the KUOW
Board meeting.
May 13: Memo for the communication directors of
environmental groups about digital audio
May 23: Acquisition of a digital audio editing software (Goldwave) for $40.
May 31: Production of 5 interviews for Globalink-radio for World
No-Tobacco Day
($ 1.000 contract)
June 15: Acquisition of a MP3 CD maker software from Qwerks ($ 25)
June 22: Interviews
of artists Michele Van Slyke and Pegy Brunton.
June 24: Email from
Lisa Renstrom
Chair of the Executive Committee of the Sierra Club (National) in response
to my suggestions about how the Club should use digital audio.
End of June: Posting of the first recordings on the new Voice of Bainbridge website graciously
created and hosted by
June 25: Interview of
City Council member Bill Knobloch
July 8: Interview
ti Norman,
Audubon Society
and discussion with Hilary
Hilscher, Communication Director about the
of a pro-environment program including
about birds and bird songs.
July 19: Article about Voice of Bainbridge in the
July 20:
Peterson, ED of Seattle Audubon announces her plans for the
of a 2 min audio segment Bird Note
to be aired on public radio.
July 24: Article about Voice of Bainbridge in the Bainbridge Islander.
July 28: Article about Voice of Bainbridge in the Bainbridge Review.
July 30: Meeting with
Paul Travis
about the elaboration of a business plan.
August 5: Self interview about VoB and the revolution in
August 17:
Lisa Renstrom
asks me to work with the Communications
and Education Governance Committee of the Sierra Club (one of the 6
committees reporting to the Board of Directors).
August 19: Interview with Darlene Kordonowy, Mayor of
August 26: Email contact with Brian Back publisher of the Sustainable Industries Journal (
and the Chinook Book ( about a potential partnership in the
of the weekly pro-environment
September 2: Interview with Paul Johnson, Mechanic with Classic
Cycle, beginning of the regular Biketalk
August 27:
Lin Kamer-Walker
offers to design a logo for Voice of Bainbridge.
August 27: Donors wishing to remain anonymous offer a $300 budget for advertising Voice of Bainbridge’s programs in the Bainbridge Islander sent weekly to all households.
September 2: Proposal to produce a series of programs for ABC (meeting with Charles Schmid). No result.
September 6: Request to the City’s non-motorized
transportation committee for financial support for Biketalk.
No result.
September 7/8: Voice of Bainbridge reports from the Prowalk/probike conference in
thanks to the sponsorship of
Squeakywheels to cover travel expenses (23 recordings posted). Contacts
with potential partners for Bikewalk.
September 9: Meeting with Steven Gilbert PhD, UW professor and KUOW board member about the
of programs devoted to environmental issues and groups.
September 10: Offer of recording and interview services for
the City’s Winslow Tomorrow project.
September 21: Recording of the Community Forestry Commission. Proposal to record a 5/10 min brief
after each meeting.
No result.
September 28: Recording of the second Town Hall meeting for
September 29: Launch of the
Start of the reflexion about combining digital audio with
the blog tools.
October 2: Publication in the Bainbridge Islander of the first
ad for VoB
Posting again after a long interruption
I started posting again in June 2019. This post is dated November 26 2018 so that it does not appear at the top but it was written on June 6). Why those new posts? Because I felt interested and concerned by the "debate" about the Winslow Hotel project and how it was reported (or not) about in the local media. I also felt the way the city was posting the public comments on its website did not make it easy for the community/citizenry to access them. I thought using the VOB blog could maybe help a bit.
November 26, 2018 in a hotel Winslow concerned comment, about Voice of Bainbridge | Permalink | Comments (0)