While commenting about the decision to close the library on sundays, KRL President Gail Mathison is quoted as saying; 'it sort of evens the playing field", sort of putting all libraries on the same reduced service. But what Gail Mathison (who represents South Kitsap) does not seem to take into consideration is that only two places Bainbridge and Poulsbo supported the levy. This decision intends to align all libraries to the least level of service. Obviously (and unfortunately) a majority of the people in South Kitsap, Central Kitsap and North Kitsap did not care enough about the libraries to support the levy: therefore they probably should not care to see their libraries closed on sundays. That's not the case for Bainbridge and our community that already owns the building and raises substantial amounts of extra money (via Friends of the Library and probably KRL) could very probably raise the extra funding necessary to keep the library open on sundays. As we write the KRl leadership does not see open to this solution but why should Bainbridge that was ready and willing to increase the levy support the consequences of the vote in the other districts?
Another remark is that considering the number of people who voted YES, KRL could raise enough money in each district to keep the level of service by convincing them to voluntarily give.
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