Smoking History has commenced a new outdoor advertising campaign that
draws attention to the graphic health warnings on cigarette packs.
Specifically the advertising focuses on two warnings: "Smoking causes
blindness" and "Smoking causes mouth and throat cancer".
Pictures are on pdf format:
Confronting New Campaign Reminds Smokers of Future Risks
Make Smoking History has commenced a new outdoor advertising campaign that draws attention to the graphic health warnings on cigarette packs. Specifically the advertising focuses on two warnings: "Smoking causes blindness" and "Smoking causes mouth and throat cancer".
The campaign aims to remind smokers that pack warnings are a real and constant reminder of the serious health risks they face if they continue to smoke. Make Smoking History urges smokers to quit now and look forward to a healthier future.
The advertisements are appearing throughout metropolitan suburbs on bus shelters (from 21 January) and outdoor billboard sites (from 27 January).
View the new campaign materials here: