Campaign for graphic warnings

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« USA: have a look at the new proposed graphic warnings | Main | Canada: What size for the new graphic warnings? »

November 19, 2010



Exercise is amazing but, for thoughs who have goten caught up in the adiction of smoking cigarettes it can be very hard to exercise. I quit smoking 2 years ago now with a product called an electronic cigarette that I found at It has been amazing the results that I have had. After Just 1 month I notice that I had more energy and as a result started exersizing. I couldn't be more happy with the product. If your wondering what an electronic cigarette is I would advise checking out the website but, just to give you a breif description.

The e-cig is a battery powered device that produces a vapor that tastes and fells like you are smoking a real cigarette, except it doesnt have the 3,000 chemicals that are found when lighting a real cigarette. Just water vapor and nicotine.

I have found it to be a perfect substitute for smoking real cigarettes. It only took me 2 days and I never had a real cigarette ever agian. My lungs feel amazing, my physical endurance has increased (I can actualy climb a flight of stairs without getting out of breathe), I can taste my food, I feel stronger and better then ever before. Thank you!

e cigs

I agree with Richard, the faces of the ones responsible for tobacco cigarettes should be on every cigarette packet. Everyone should know who the real guys are for developing such a deathly habit that many have lost people already from.

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