The Madrid 2012 site is ... a site.
It does not escape the rigid apparence of most first generation sites although it does look full of infos and activities.
I would definitely suggest/recommend adding blogs, a blog section where all the bloggers could aggregate and blog about Madrid's candidacy and other related issues.
In fact looking again at the info on the home page I realize the same info would be pacakaged in a much more dynamic way/style in a blog format.
The simple fact that content is posted on a blog seems to generate a more direct style.
just do the exercise for this home page.
Take for instance the article about sustainable public transportation: the style on the site is very boring and technocaratic and the pictures are poor. It could/should be so much better.
My recommendation? Hire one blogger or better a team of bloggers (for diversity of styles) and have them blog about Madrid and the candidacy for the games.
They would generate a very different content hopefully much more vibrant.
I don't know what it would do for the candidacy though. I guess another recommandation would be to invite (incite via awards -a system I hate-) people to blog about Madrid 2012. S you would have a few -for hire bloggers- and all the volunteers.
You could probably get for free or at reduced cost the help of blog providers because it would be good advertising for them.
The solution/proposal would be like the blogs offered by Le Monde to its readers: Madrid would give people the opportunity to create blogs about Madrid now and Madrid 2012. That should generate some interesting content.
By the way I just visited the site for the mediterranean games in Almeria 2005 and did not spot any blog.